Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Reformation Sunday

On Reformation Sunday, we celebrate the beginning of the Reformation Movement when Martin Luther the Blessed Reformer nailed the 95-Theses to the church door in Wittenberg on October 31, 1517.  From this date we trace the reigniting of the gospel light that had been hidden under a bushel in the Middle Ages.  There were three great slogans regarding salvation that were brought back to the church in those days: sola gratia, sola fide, and sola scriptura.  Of course I just gave you these phrases in Latin.  In English, we would say grace alone, faith alone, and Scripture alone.

“Sola” or “alone” is an exclusive word.  We use it to designate one thing at the exclusion of another.  For instance in the music world, we would say that when one singer sings independently of others, she is singing a “solo.”  It is her and her alone who is singing.  Or in the world of baseball, if a batter hits a homerun and no one else is on base we would call this a “solo homerun.”  Only that batter alone would score a run.

Thus, in the church we proclaim that salvation has come to us by grace alone at the exclusion of any merit on our part.  Salvation is received through faith alone at the exclusion of any works on our part.  Salvation is based upon Scripture alone at the exclusion of any additional words or feelings on our part.  All three of these slogans are linked together like a gold chain.  Let us look at these three slogans in detail.

Sola Gratia
When you think of the word “gratia” or “grace”, think of such words as “gratis” or “gratuitous” meaning free or gift.  Grace is God’s undeserved favor.  Salvation is given to us as a gift not because we deserve it or have earned it.  If salvation were something we could earn or purchase for ourselves it would not be a gift.  It would be a wage or a payment that is owed to us.

However, because we are sinners by birth, what we earn or merit is death.  The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is life in Christ Jesus.  Salvation is ours by grace alone because of Christ alone.  He alone purchased our salvation from death, devil, and sin with His own blood.  Because of Christ, God forgives us and is merciful to us.  Left to ourselves we would remain lost and condemned.  God is the one who alone does the action.  He says in today’s Old Testament lesson, “For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.” (Jeremiah 31:34 ESV) 

In this life, you will be continually tempted to be the star of the show.  The devil will try to trick you into being the main actor or the co-actor in the drama of your life story.  If you could be the star, there would be no need for forgiveness and no need for Christ.

Salvation is a free gift of God given to you by grace alone because of Jesus Christ alone.

Sola Fide                                                                                                                                 
When you think of the word “fide” or “faith”, think of “fidelity” meaning faithfulness.  Faith is trusting and clinging to God’s Word of promise.  As Martin Luther says, “faith is like glue that attaches the heart to the God’s Word.”  God has promised that your sins are forgiven because of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  This is an unconditional promise.  There are no strings attached.  Salvation is received by us through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone. 

In today’s Epistle Lesson, the Apostle Paul writes to us, “Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith apart from the deeds of the law” (Romans NKJV).  To be justified is to be declared righteous for the sake of Jesus, who alone is righteous.  His righteousness is imputed or credited to you through faith.  This is the great exchange.  Your unrighteousness is placed upon Jesus and His righteousness is placed upon you.  Because of Jesus we are righteous in God’s sight.

In this life, you will be continually tempted to boast in your own righteousness or be tempted to live securely in your own unrighteousness.  Human tendency is to try to justify ourselves and make us right in our own eyes.  We like to make up excuses and justify our actions.  Yet, if we focus on our own righteous actions, we will always fall short of the perfect righteousness of God.

At the same to remember that faith is never alone apart from good works.  Faith is active and living and freely does what God says.  Without works faith is dead.  Luther states, “It is therefore as impossible to separate works from faith as it is to separate heat and light from fire.”  Yet, these good works do not make us right in God’s sight.  Make no mistake, good works are not the root of salvation rather they are the fruit of salvation.  The Holy Spirit in the believer produces fruit. 

Jesus alone is your righteousness and your salvation.  Salvation is received through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone.  Faith itself is a gift from God.

Sola Scriptura
When we think of the word “scriptura” or “Scripture”, think of such words as “inscribe” or “script” meaning written.  Scripture is the inspired Word of God written by the prophets and the apostles. 

The primary message of the Bible is the Gospel.  God’s Word is proclaimed to us in order to assure us that God is merciful, loving, compassionate, and forgiving because of Jesus.  God gives to us the gift of the written Scripture so that we do not have terrified or seduced by every new teaching that comes along describing a new method or way to heaven.  Jesus is the Way and there is no other.  He tells us to listen to His voice and He gives us the Bible so that we can know it.

Jesus says in today’s Gospel Text, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed.  And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John NKJV).  Jesus is the Truth and He has set us free to be the people of God.  The Word of the Lord is lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path.  The Lord is your light and your salvation.

In this life, you will be continually tempted to allow your mind to change and distort the Word of God to your own liking.  Instead, let your mind be changed and renewed by the Word of God.  The Holy Scriptures are active and living it is the tool that the Lord uses to work in you to bring about your salvation.  The Bible is not merely the word of men, but rather the Word of God.

The main purpose of the Holy Scripture is to proclaim Jesus Christ alone.

Today we celebrate the reason why we desire to be Lutheran.  We are Lutheran because we believe in the doctrine taught by Martin Luther who proclaimed that we are saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone which is promised to us in Scripture alone.  Let us rejoice in this light brought back to the church in the days of the Reformation.  As those who believe this message of Good News, you are the light of the world.  You are a light in this city set on a hill.  Let us proclaim the glorious of Him who brought us out of darkness into His glorious light for Jesus did not die for us alone.  He died for the sins of the world.

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