Thursday, June 21, 2012

Lecture- God is Our Teacher

Lecture 11- God is Our Teacher (click here)

God is Our Teacher
Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier
Unless God is our Teacher, we will remain in the dark. The Holy Spirit enlightens us with the written scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. He desires for us to seek the knowledge of salvation in them. These are not the mere opinions of men, but rather the very word of God.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Lecture- The Revealed Rock in Daniel

Lecture 10- The Revealed Rock in Daniel (click here)

The Revealed Rock in Daniel
Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier
The Holy Spirit spoke through mouths of the prophets and apostles to reveal the knowledge of salvation. Through these insturmental means, he revealed the mystery of the coming kingdom brought by the Rock in the days of Nebuchadnezzar. This Rock would become a moutain and His kingdom would spread throughout the earth. It would be an everlasting kingdom not like the earthly kingdoms that preceded it. This kingdom would spread through the proclamation of the gospel to all nations.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Lecture- Today If You Hear His Voice Do Not Harden Your Hearts

Lecture 9- Today, If You Hear His Voice, Do Not Harden Your Hearts (click here)

Today, If You Hear His Voice, Do Not Harden Your Hearts
Rev. Brian L. Kachelmeier
The Holy Spirit is teaching us to continue to listen to Jesus. Faith comes from the words of Jesus. Moses had said that there would be a propeht great than him and we should listen to Him. At the Transfiguration, the Father said, “This is My Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. Listen to Him.”